After receiving a call from a young teenager girl, who suffers from the abuse she receives from her father, Bruc Kinner, a young courageous detective is called to investigate on the case and he faces many challenges, as the man cannot remember what happened, so by the help of a therapist, he remembers and finds out that the case related to a demonic doings.
This is a movie that, because it deals with secrets, promises thrills and possibly a measure of terror; but, in fact, everything is based on an anti-climax, and the result is a resounding "so what?"
This allegedly fact-based tale of Satanic suspicions in small-town Minnesota is potboiler material at best, threatening far twistier terrors than those it predictably delivers.
Deriving inspiration from a certain famed Arthur Miller play and reframing it for the era of rampant, media-invoked Satanic Panic fears, "Regression" provocatively blankets its elegiac mystery in a malignant pall of diabolical foreboding.