Driving by his deep will of saving his love, Barry Egan, a smart businessman, who suffers from being socially awkward, who falls in love with the colleague of his sister, but when he receives manipulation on a sex phone call, he does whatever it takes to save his love.
The journey toward redemption feels more like a cinematic experiment than a full-blown movie.
USA Today
October 25, 2002
Despite its title, Punch-Drunk Love is never heavy-handed. The jabs it employs are short, carefully placed and dead-center.
December 28, 2009
While certainly sweet, Love is more compelling as a veiled threat, with Anderson jerking the audience around, wielding abrasive characters and hostile situations in a manner I've come to adore.
Perhaps overshadowed by Anderson's other more ostensibly serious work, Punch-Drunk Love nevertheless represents both a highlight for the director and for its star.