The film revolves around an unfortunate family becase their father Warren daily submerged in alcohol with the money earned by his 2 sons everyday. Despite the dangerous job, Beckket, the eldest brother , goes to work everyday to earn money to repay his father. Meanwhile, Samuel finds a way out of this life and get rid of the debt before the tragedy made them from becoming tragedies in life.
Confused and tedious, "Phantom Halo" is a mess of a movie that struggles to keep itself together for 90 minutes, gradually disintegrating until all that's left are good intentions.
None of it is convincing in the least, although the actors do as much as they can. "Phantom Halo" ends up feeling like a mash-up of two many other mediocre films.
Despite the cast's obvious dedicated efforts, Bogdanovich curiously studies her characters at clinical distances, preferring to observe them rather than be them.