Through a series of powerful adventures, pirates of the straw hat meet the country's ruler, Golden Emperor Gild Tesoro, to embark on a series of new missions. The story begins in Gran Tesoro, an independent country rented by the world government, where Straw Hat pirates are taking on Guild Tesoro, one of the richest men in the world. Pirates may do their best to take that adventure.
So much plot is crammed into the film's relatively lengthy 120 minutes that it can be downright confounding trying to figure out who's a good guy and who's the villain.
The picture is boisterous and shouty and frequently grotesque, and it features a preponderance of scantily clad, large-breasted women, including Straw Hat pirate Nami, whose barely-there bikini top helpfully has the word "sexy" printed on it.
On the surface, it's a very silly comic adventure. But beneath the slapstick lies a blunt critique of economic inequality and the contemporary culture of greed.
One Piece Film: Gold is a pretty solid entry point for those looking to enjoy the series without having to devote hours to wading through reams of filler episodes and expository fluff.