Mr Right; starring Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell, the story follows a romance between the duo until the guy is on the run from the crime cartel he belongs to.
"Mr. Right" hires two charismatic lead actors, Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell, then expects them to carry a movie with almost no compelling reason to exist.
Mr. Right is a perfectly entertaining, harmless little rom-com film infused with some post-modernist fun that sets it apart from your standard Nicholas Sparks schlock.
Kendrick and Rockwell score every hit they can with screenwriter Max Landis's hit-or-miss chatter. Kendrick has always been funny, but has she ever been let loose like this?
The ludicrous action-flick plot slows to a crawl whenever Kendrick and Rockwell aren't on screen (although RZA has a fun cameo as a kindhearted gunman), but the unlikely duo make this candy-colored carnival of blood and romance hard to resist.
Kendrick is a passable heroine doing her best with an underwritten role, so it's left to Rockwell's easy manner and raffish charm to shoulder the heavy lifting.
Rockwell and Kendrick are great together, but the movie never quite marries the cute romance and the bloody killings. Most of the time the two leads appear to be on their own in a completely separate movie.