The life of a young courageous and intelligent thief named Alex, who has made her mind to give up robbery and begins a new life, has been changed completely, when her ex partner asks her to make one last robbery of diamond, but in doing so, incidents come to challenge her, as she finds herself involved in a murder she does not commit.
this action thriller never stops moving (except when Olga Kurylenko's kickass heroine Alex has her leg literally caught in a vice), racing through its series of genre routines in the hope that speed alone can cover over any cracks.
Stephen Campanelli... keeps Momentum moving with brisk assurance, making up for his film's routine script and modest budget with slick visuals and impressively punchy action.
All in all, Momentum is one big disappointingly generic mess of a movie that does very little to generate anticipation or excitement, let alone a viewing recommendation.
With a plot so thin that it's barely there, this sleek South African action thriller is surprisingly entertaining simply because the cast is allowed to chomp merrily on the scenery as they try to torment and kill each other.