Developing from single-celled yellow creatures at the beginning of time, Minions live to serve, yet end up working for unsuccessful masters. Their pursuit drives them to Scarlet Overkill, the world's first-historical super-villainess
Minions is a funny film which will be loved by the kids, with enough winks and nods for adults to be entertained during its very quick and breezy run time.
With its episodic stream of slapstick gags, Minions has moments of piquant absurdity, but mostly its shrill-but-cutesy anarchy works as a visual sugar rush for the preschool set.
The only foreseeable problem with this movie is that parents are going to have to be dealing with wee ones mimicking minion-ese for as long as this franchise shall flourish.
There's plenty of high-velocity comic inanity on display to keep kids happily diverted. But the movie's major flaw is an extension of its own premise: Search as they may, the minions never find a villain worthy of their subservience.
It's not whether this prequel can mint money; that's a given. The questions is: Can the minions carry a movie all by their mischievous mini-selves? 'Fraid not.
I got tired of this joke before the movie ended, but I appreciate the gusto with which the filmmakers -- particularly Coffin, with his nimble vocalizations -- carried it out.