The life of an ordinary van driver, David Ghantt, who has a boring life, as he has the same day over and over, so driving by his dream of getting rid of such boring and has an adventure life, has been changes, as he decides to take part in the biggest robbery ever, as he falls in love with Killy Campbel, who inspires him to change his life, as he wants to win her heart, but her love brings terrible for him, as he involved in the robbery.
The movie has been on ice awaiting release for over a year, owing to the bankruptcy of its studio. But some of the jokes were moldy long before that happened. Masterminds owes us our two hours back.
Hess dives deeply into the ass crack of suburban North Carolina, finding lowbrow caricature courtesy his two wonderfully shameless lead actors, Zach Galifianakis and Kristen Wiig.
The subtext is all about class dispossession, but a movie in which a character is stupid enough to propose a big-time bank robbery so that his gang can make it into the news ("the big show") is pushing it.
There's some punchy play with comic timing and scattershot laughs, but the movie's too skittish, misfires in a hitman-subplot, and can't make us treasure its Most Wanted Dopes.
A comedy that is entertaining thanks to its interpreters, but it ends up being more effective in its social analysis between white aristocracy and the new rich. [Full review in Spanish]