Mascots is a mockumentary directed by Christopher Guest, in which sports mascots reveal the peculiarities of their ultra-competitive world as they pursue the highest honor in their field: the Gold Fluffy.
Mascots is determinedly minor-league. But like the bruschetta- and anchovy-scented cups sold at the event for male mascots to stuff into their costumes, it's offbeat and refreshing nonetheless.
As hard as it is to admit, Guest's once-incisive satirical bite has grown dull in its familiarity. He doesn't seem to be having as much fun here and neither are we.
The only thing Mascots has to be is laugh-out-loud funny, and yet, most of the time, the only things it elicits are reflexive chuckles and a sense of creeping boredom.
After a long break from this style of feature-length comedy, Guest returns more indifferent than ever -- his creative batteries haven't been recharged, they've been removed.
Mascots coasts along on the strength of its actors (Bob Balaban, Jennifer Coolidge, and John Michael Higgins all show up) and the charm that is a mainstay of all Guest mockumentaries, regardless of quality.