The film embodies the story of one of the most famous physicists and chemists. It is Marie Curie and her struggle that she fought for a long period of time to be recognized in the male-dominated science community in the early 20th century France where she suffered so much.
With more sexy baths than any movie about a male scientist has ever seen, this biopic undermines the battle Curie fought to be taken seriously that is depicted here.
Equal parts straightforward history lesson and expressionist art film, the biographical drama Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge is an absorbing and intimate look at the famous scientist's life.
Noelle fills the story with passion, debate and human contradiction. If the material ultimately eludes the director's grasp, wandering off on unfocused tangents, it's because of its ambition.
Karolina Gruszka is very good as Curie, conveying a mix of intelligence and romantic impulse; unfortunately no one else in the cast comes close to her level of investment.
Anchored by Karolina Gruszka's vibrant performance, Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge melds a story about scientific discovery with a passionate look at the struggles of a woman whose life should have been a good deal easier than it actually was.
... what does the Marie Noelle film offer that dozens of other biopics have not already given us, especially those made in Europe? Well, not too much... [Full review in Spanish]