Jimmy Neutron, a young but intelligent boy, who enjoys with a high level of intelligence and ambitious, the thing that makes him distinct from others, struggles against saving the life of his parents, who have been hijacked by aliens, the thing that challenges him, so he does his best, in order to save them.
This little charmer both celebrates and kids the corny conventions of family sitcoms.
Palo Alto Weekly
May 20, 2003
The characters are comical and dynamic -- especially Jimmy, Carl and Sheen -- and the outer space scenes are no less than stellar.
Entertainment Weekly
December 21, 2001
A lickety-split, madly packed, roller-coaster entertainment that might almost have been designed to make you scared of how much smarter your kids are than you.
After Monsters, Inc., this movie may be a bit of a letdown, but there are some scenes that will delight elementary -school-age children and older preschoolers.
Like a rollicking adventure from the fevered boyhood imagination of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes: the gooey aliens, the boy-genius gadgetry. Except with Jimmy it's real.
Jimmy Neutron just doesn't have enough power to sustain itself to feature length, though children -- the movie's real audience -- may be so dazzled by the spectacle of Jimmy flying through space with his robot dog that they won't notice.