During investigating on the murder of a millionaire, David Corelli, a courageous detective at San Francisco Assistant District Attorney, who finds a clue against his former lover, the thing that challenges him, as he hides it.
This is the second high-profile Joe Eszterhas script in three weeks, and were it not sleazy enough to make his Showgirls howlerama pass for fun, you could debate whether he or Mark Fuhrman has had a worse fall season.
An Erotic Thriller that's as unsexy as it is unthrilling
June 03, 2003
A monotonous and misguided sexual thriller that certainly doesn't cater to the typical Friedkin vibes. And Caruso left his top-rated critically-acclaimed ABC-TV cop show for this?
Ozus' World Movie Reviews
January 03, 2015
Senseless erotic murder thriller.
Combustible Celluloid
September 22, 2007
It's a good, solid thriller with some terrific touches by Friedkin and some truly bizarre ones by Eszterhas.