There was a pregnant woman in the last third of her pregnancy but she had something very strange. After her husband's four-month death, the pregnant woman is prosecuted in the last third of her pregnancy by another obsessed woman who wants her unborn baby. This pregnant woman did not expect that adventure that she lived, which may be more dangerous than the birth of the child under the hidden concerns that her child wants.
it is only after the closing credits have rolled and your fists have unclenched that the film's ambiguities and irrationalities return, not unlike Dalle's creepy 'femme', to haunt you.
Reel Film Reviews
October 27, 2007 of the most creative and flat-out engrossing horror movies to hit the scene in years.
Os vinte minutos iniciais, que parecem ter envolvido algum tipo de pensamento racional, funcionam bem e trazem planos memoráveis. A partir do segundo ato, porém, o filme se contenta com o gore gratuito e descerebrado.
February 21, 2008
There won't be an image this year that quite compares to the sight of a black-garmented Béatrice Dalle cutting open the stomach of a pregnant woman with a pair of knitting scissors
Lessons of Darkness
August 25, 2008
Often eyes-averting nasty, delivering visceral thrills that are evocatively matched by more unreal images of Dalle's psycho cloaked in darkness like a bedtime story specter.
I dare call 'Inside' a classic because it is such a damn good horror movie. It also happens to be one of the bloodiest things ever produced -- anywhere.