After Ava, 26-year old girl, recovering from drug and alcohol addict, she marries from a handsome guy and travel together to the beautiful Caribbean for spending the honeymoon there. But the darkness follows her, where her husband suddenly disappears and begins looking for him to find the gang of criminals and she have to enter a conflict with them and escape from the island with her husband.
Carano, a former mixed-martial artist, won't be vying for an Oscar any time soon but she can more than hold her own as an action star. She deserves a bigger canvas on which to show off her skills.
Fine actors (Alison Steadman, Phil Davis) nudge our boy forward, yet the rehabilitation and race-against-time narratives prove fundamentally at odds: we're left watching two films cancelling each other out.
Carano is an impressive woman, but she's no Meryl Streep; and even Streep couldn't make a movie this by-the-numbers look like anything more than it is: violence with interruptions.
Screenwriter Andy Bloom struggles to sustain the tensions between the holed-up thugs, with much of the talented supporting cast having too little to do.
The jaw-drop factor that comes from seeing Carano's moves is often spoiled because of too much cutting or, in the case of the dance club sequence, excess strobing.