Home Alone is a 1990 American comedy film, that follows the accidental left behind of a kid while his family where on vacation. Kevin does everything to keep the home safe while his family was far away.
A hilarious comedy (although not a very believable one -- there can be no eight-year-olds this ingenious) that kids will love and adults won't mind sitting through either.
Two decades after it dominated the international box office, the idea continues to carry an almost parasitic charm, as if the underlying subtext of young Kevin's antics are like devices of adamant rebellion that refuse to fade quietly into the night.
A better director could have helped the film out considerably, even saved it... But even then, the script is tremendously weak, by Hughes's standards or anybody else's.
The movie is quite enjoyable as long as it explores the fantasy of a neglected little boy having an entire house of his own to explore and play in, and it still manages to be fun when he exhibits superhuman ingenuity and resourcefulness.