These are the powerful events that we live in quite differently from the summer vacation, which comes with a very strange creature. It is that creature who unleashed himself in dangerous moments and is not fully human, but not an animal altogether. Maybe it's quite different when we talk about an urban legend that comes to a horrible life and seeks revenge from everyone, Bigfoot.
Bereft of interesting characters, clever dialogue and any semblance of humor or visual coherence, Exists offers nothing to justify its cinematic existence.
If you hang in there, the final half hour is terrifying, especially with the appearance of BigFoot who dominates the screen in every way. But the main problem with Sanchez' Exist is a lacklustre script with few surprises for its cardboard characters
Featuring the usual fractured visuals, generic victims and pinballing cameras - both hand-held and mounted on bike helmets - "Exists" nevertheless has an unusually dreamy opening and a few surprisingly entertaining tweaks.
Jamie Nash's script travels the road less taken; far from a gentle giant that just wants to be left in peace, his Sasquatch is a natural born killer with enough brains to outsmart underprepared interlopers on its home turf.
Nothing pulls you out of a scenario of dread faster than thinking: "Well, why would that character be filming now? Shouldn't he be helping?" or "Well, that falling camera sure landed in a fortuitous position."