The film revolves around the life of Eva Duarte Byron, who has risen from poverty to a different path in his life. That girl became an Argentine actress and wife of the powerful president Juan Peron, and the beloved woman who completely changed the course of history.
Alan Parker has a knack for musicals... even ones starring Madonna.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
January 08, 2005
It is quite possible to hate Cats and deplore Sex and still enjoy this movie.
Antagony & Ecstasy
April 27, 2015
No matter how great all the constituent elements were, [it couldn't] survive the kind of stiff, wholly artificial and forced performance that Madonna gives.
Webber's music is hauntingly original and effective, while Rice's lyrics manage to convey the information that's missing without a standard narrative and scenic construction, while also incorporating a constant sense of interpretation.
At a time when songs showcased in movies were being shot as MTV music videos, leave it to director Alan Parker (The Commitments, Fame) to offer a full-blooded musical with epic elegance on its mind.