Recommendable only to the staunchest of horror geeks, like myself, Evilspeak is a fairly noteworthy little horror chestnut for a variety of colorful reasons.
To be fair, the machine we see here looks pretty impressive by 1981 standards and the graphics it produces must have been a lot of trouble to create, but it's hard to imagine what Montague Summers would have made of it.
[Co-director] Weston was giving less-discriminating horror audiences in 1981 what he thought they wanted: Carrie with more gore, more beheadings, and all the Satanic pigs they could handle.
Evilspeak may provide a laugh or two, but it's too easily noticeable that there's just not much here, resulting in an empty film that feels stretched beyond its means.
Future generations will be watching it for years to come, fascinated that something so daft could possibly have caused such outrage, and no doubt thoroughly enjoying its crazy excesses too.
There's plenty of weirdness to the story of Evilspeak that I dug but I just couldn't get into a movie that does nothing but emotionally pummel its protagonist for the first 70 mins then doesn't give him or the audience a truly satisfying conclusion.