In a terrifying story about a group of friends who went to the mountains, where they wanted to make a different trip. An old man came to warn these young people of a local curse that came during the German occupation in that local area that these Nazi invaders were controlling. In the end, the lives of these people may turn into a mythical narrative within those dark, cold mountains where they perished, until the rumor of their return in the form of the zombie.
The thread-bare plot mostly serves as a means to get these people in an isolated area so they may be attacked by the undead. While the characters are likable, they are flat--you're given just enough information to care about them.
The Norwegian Nazi-zombie movie Dead Snow is quite the jolly mountain holiday, pitting a group of medical students against a battalion of undead, unpleasant and unstoppable German soldiers hellbent on ruining a perfectly good Easter vacation.
March 25, 2010
... this is terrific, a dryly hilarious horror comedy with a macabre sense of splatter humor a la Evil Dead 2... but minus the self-conscious wisecracking of the genre.