Upon the accident that her best friend faces that leads him to a long coma, Dr. Susan Wheeler, a young ambitious doctor owns a well-known hospital, struggles against finding out that many cases that undergoing the same surgery end with comas, the thing that makes her suspicion and leads her to investigate on the case.
The aftereffect of Coma is a catlike yawn, benign and bored.
TV Guide
November 27, 2007
Coma wastes a superb performance by Bujold on a simplistic, predictable series of cliched suspense scenes, seasoned with some last-minute moralizing about contemporary medicine.
Michael Crichton's slow-paced thriller must have begun with something to say about the morality of the medical profession, but whatever it was is lost in the shuffle of unnecessary narrative detail.
The boys'-club politics at the hospital provide the picture with interesting subtext right in line with the sexual dynamics of the period; Bujold proves to be a worthy champion for the feminist cause.