The movie follows the rise and fall of influential Chicago-based record company Chess Records, which launched the careers of Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Etta James and Chuck Berry.
In story terms, its cavalcade of melodrama and conflict isn't always persuasive, but writer-director Darnell Martin's respect for the music shines through.
Cadillac Records is not a terrible movie but in the chain of rags to riches films (Dreamgirls, Ray, Walk the Line, etc.) it definitely falls at the bottom of the heap.
There is not one authentic moment of human discourse in the whole movie.
Christian Science Monitor
December 08, 2008
The film suffers at times from biopic-itis -- the narrative unfolds with the requisite heartbreak carefully apportioned -- but it's always eye-catching.
The music is good, the suits are sharp, but it's the outstanding performances that wow. Walker is electrifying as Howlin' Wolf and Beyoncé - playing Etta James - has never been so sultry and sexy.