In a film full of adventures and interesting events. The events begin when the best friends, Bill S. Preston and Ted Theodore Logan, are at risk of being separated from each other, and the disintegration of Stalin's birth due to their history failure gives them a phone booth to travel through time and history. In strange and funny events will happen to them to change the course of their history.
Reeves, with his beguilingly blank face and loose-limbed, happy-go-lucky physical vocabulary, and Winter, with his golden curls, gleefully good vibes and 'bodacious' vocabulary, propel this adventure as long as they can.
A nonstop giggle from start to finish, this beguiling grab-bag of time-travel clichés, hard-rock music and Valley-speaking cool dudes is a flawless, purpose-built junk movie.
What really makes it all work are Reeves and Winter. They're such appealing, wide-eyed idiots that it's impossible not to pull for them. They make a great team.
This is extremely silly, good natured, superficial stuff; a lot depends on whether you take to Bill and Ted's unique lingo (which contorts surfers' expressions) and their gormless behaviour.
It dodges the pitfalls of message-heavy teen movies and skirts the spite of the dumb-and-dumber era it arguably helped birth. Add two innately loveable leads and you can see it takes some smarts to sell something quite this daft.
Though its one-liners elicit the occasional chortle -- when Bill and Ted don medieval armor, there's an obligatory heavy-metal joke -- the film doesn't engage, because its heroes don't engage with the historical characters.