Randy Daytona is a professional player who excels in Ping Pong. Randi may be attracted by Rodriguez, who works in the FBI for a secret mission. Randy is completely perplexed when he tries to think that he wants to regain lost glory, and revenge from his father's killer, one of the most wanted in Feng, a Vedip. Randy discovers after a while that he could not turn his life into the glory that awaits him and vows to kill his father without a team of his own. Randy may face new life tournaments as well as unprecedented challenges.
Comedians like Will Ferrell, Jack Black and Ben Stiller can get away with lesser material because just looking at them can elicit laughs. Dan Fogler is not in that category.
A horrendously written and acted movie which even Walken can't save.
January 23, 2016
On some subterranean level, it's a study of how celebrity agents can coerce a talented veteran actor into participating in one of the most painfully unfunny comedies ever made.