In an attempt to have money and a new passport, Toroop, a young courageous criminal, who struggles against survival, takes the mission to accompany a young Asian woman to New York, in order to generate a modified Massih.
To put it bluntly, Babylon A.D. is a cluttered mess. Characters have been under developed, realtionships have no chemistry, and its conclusion feels rushed and leaves too many unresolved questions.
With his face like a squashed doughnut, and physique like the tyres of a huge truck, Diesel just doesn't inhabit the same planet as Rampling or even Kassovitz himself.
The movie has a nice look -- gray, rusted metal exposed to Siberian and Bering Strait snow. What it lacks is coherence and a compelling reason for us to take this often-abrupt journey with Aurora, Toorop and Sister Rebeka.