The difficult situations are followed by a whole lot of excitement in the life of a man named Jim. He lives with his sick wife, but his life changes and turns upside down. When the economy is broken and his job is lost and his wife dies, he decides to seek revenge for everything he lost in his life and overcome all these difficulties. All in order to reach his goal of revenge.
Possibly the only director on the planet who has garnered a strange recognition through utter infamy, Boll engages in a weirdly raw and rowdy subversive ideological descent into the dysfunctionally dark recesses of US culture.
Boll spends so much time painting Jim into the corner required to "justify" his bonkers actions that once the film's fuse is irrevocably lighted, viewers may have already checked out.
Seemingly inspired by "Taxi Driver" with its security guard stand-in for Travis Bickle wasting Wall Street brokers who are arguably worse than the pimps in "Taxi Driver".
Uwe Boll's insistence on plugging genre tropes into his imagined idea of populism returns us to the same cynical place as Postal, except with none of the sizzle.