Syd March works in Lucas Clinic, an company which purchases viruses and pathogens from sick celebrities in order to inject them to obsess fan. One time while harvesting a pathogen from Hannah, he infected with the disease that kills her afterward. Syd must fight against Hannah's fan to find his way to survive.
The pace is uneven, the energy sluggish (even the arrival of Malcolm McDowell in the third act doesn't pep things up) and the film feels overlong.
November 25, 2013
With an obsession for close-ups of needles piercing skin, Antiviral leaves one with a OCD-style desire to wash ones hands... the overreaching success of the film lies in its believable depiction of a culture slowly rotting at the core.
I respect ANTIVIRAL, but I can't say I liked it. But then again, I'm not sure it wants to be liked. In fact, I believe it's trying very hard to make you not like it.
Eventually the clammy spell of this handsomely designed but solemnly paced movie begins to wear off, and you long for a little action or at least some fresh air.
June 12, 2013
The script is thin but effectively creepy as it examines contemporary pop culture obsessions while maximizing the queasy close-ups of needles, blood and medical procedures.
How sick can fans of a celebrity get? Very, answers "Antiviral." Imagine fan fetish culture metastasizing. A pox on consumers and capitalists alike, Brandon Cronenberg sneers.