Upon the death of his uncle Ian Rider, whom he thinks is a banker, a young teenager boy named Alex Rider, who has an ordinary life before the death of his uncle whom he finds out that is a secret agent, finds himself turned into a secret agent and has to go in a mission that save the lives of millions.
I forgot most of it about 20 seconds after it was over.
Cinema em Cena
January 18, 2007
Jamais parece reconhecer a pouca idade de seu herói, que age como adulto (e como espião experiente) na maior parte do tempo, o que, além de tornar tudo implausível, ainda resulta num filme aborrecidamente convencional.
San Francisco Chronicle
October 13, 2006
With so much talent involved with this film, the finished product seems like a waste.
Nobody wants to see a violent James Bond send-up, with a British teen risking life and limb for Jolly Olde England, matched against a toothpick chomping 'computer genius' villain played by Mickey Rourke.
Gallery of "Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker"
Annabelle: Creation
IMDb: 7
109 min
Country: United States
Genre: Thriller, Horror, Mystery
Twelve years after the tragic death of their little girl, a dollmaker and his wife welcome a
nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into ...