The movie follows a man called D.C. who wanted to build his own business so he has established an amusement park with dangerous rides, named it Action Park. But there is a big park will open soon near of it. This may put Action Park at stake, so D.C. starts to put his plan to save his place.
Favoring bad taste and gratuitous sex jokes over a sophisticated sense of humor, Action Point soars past its immediate competition despite itself, and miraculously comes out on top of the pack as one of the most amusing studio comedies in years.
If you were a Jackass fan back in their prime, you'll probably still chuckle alongside them as they continue to risk life and limb for the sake of slapstick.
For all of the manic anti-authoritarian energy that Knoxville and pals generate in "Action Point," it's not directed at anything, which renders it meaningless and leaves the film to fizzle out like a deflated balloon.
Ouch! Do you really want to line up to see the bawdy life being sucked out of a once subversive franchise? Action Point is the first Jackass-related movie to play it safe. Now that is truly painful.