The film deals with the story of a mathematician who suffers from a serious illness, a sad mother and a former child. Each of them faces that accident, which completely destroys lives, but may eventually be revived.
Une oeuvre d'une rare intensité dramatique qui n'a aucunement besoin de suivre un cheminement narratif classique pour susciter une vive réaction chez le spectateur
The performances, the way Inarritu deconstructs and reconstructs the narrative, the grainy, gritty feel and look, all lead to the rare sort of experience that only a truly great film can offer.
April 18, 2009
"21 Grams" commands a running discourse that runs as a constant thematic thread through all of humanity. The movie delivers life as a floating mysterious entity that we all share. It's very few films that achieve anything remotely close.
You won't soon forget the world that Gonzalez Inarritu creates.
Orlando Sentinel
December 26, 2003
Fascinating because of the way the story is told -- and because of the existential issues that it forces you to consider.
Matt's Movie Reviews
July 06, 2010
A highly emotional, thought provoking drama that easily lives up to the hype, 21 Grams is a film that has all of its bases covered: script, acting and direction.