It is a story that looks quite different, as the little boy who faces a bitter reality is told about it. The story begins with Gabby Hoffman a young boy who has deadly memories that may put him in front of a dangerous turn. Over time, Gapi faces problems when he discovers the underworld where violence, power, crime and everything is evil.
The anticlimactic final half hour, which is capped off with an oddly (and needless) downbeat finish, cements the film's place as a curiously half-baked piece of work...
Aside from some character-defining flashbacks, a godawful score and sweat-enhancing color photography, it's the same movie as before -- a divertingly tense yet superficial time-waster.
Despite a big, Hollywood budget allowing for a more grisly and more graphic, high attrition-rate adventure, this disappointing remake somehow still adds up to less. Rent the original.